JavaScript developer – what do they do and what should they know? - E1S

JavaScript developer – what do they do and what should they know?

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Aleksandra Skibińska

Talent Acquisition Coordinator Edge One Solutions

Recruiter with 5 years of experience in the IT industry. In Edge1S she works in Talent Acquisition team recruiting for clients in banking and e-commerce industry. Privately a pet lover and owner.

An application must be visually attractive, modern and trendy. What is more, it must look good on different screen sizes and run with lightning speed. Such challenges are faced by the JavaScript developer, a specialist without whom the Internet would look completely different.

javascript developer co robiIn the IT world we can simply divide a service (application or site) into two parts:

  • what the user sees,
  • what they cannot see.

This second part is called backend. It’s the domain of, for example, a Java developer who takes care of saving user data in the database and its processing. Everything that appears on a computer or smartphone screen and which you can interact with, on the other hand, is the frontend. It is not only the interface or the visuals, but also menus or animations. So, the final experience depends on the cooperation of both worlds: the backend must deliver efficient application logic, and the frontend must plan the user journey.

Do you want to know what a Java Developer does? What kind of applications does he create and what should he know? Read the article.JavaScript is responsible for application interactivity.

You can create a simple web page in HTML only. It is a markup language that can be used to create headings, links, or tables. Together, these can help you build a site that could perhaps be called impressive, but only in the early days of the internet. You need the knowledge of CSS to enhance its appearance. With it, simple, static blocks can be made more visually attractive. The latest version of CSS adds elements of interactivity.

The magic ingredient in the recipe for an attractive interface, however, is JavaScript, which allows you to program proper web applications. It uses conditional statements, classes, loops, and variables to bring elements such as animations, dialog boxes, or background video under your roof (or smartphone notches).

JavaScript together with CSS and HTML belongs to the so-called “big three” of the front-end development

JavaScript beginners can take advantage of a number of libraries that save time by making it possible to use out of the box solutions. These include D3.js for data visualization, Popper.js for pop-ups, Slick for photo carousels, and Leaflet for interactive maps. However, the more experienced developers will build tailored solutions, which are lighter, faster and safer.

All these elements must work together to create a consistent experience.  After all, there is nothing worse than a complicated interface that needs explanations („an interface is like a joke, if you have to explain it, it’s bad”, as someone once said*). Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach, combining programming with attention to UI and UX, is worth its weight in gold. The application should not only function effectively, but also respond well to the needs of the user. It is the same with responsiveness – users expect websites to look good on a 4K monitor or a laptop, but also to get scaled vertically and horizontally on a smartphone.

A good front-end developer needs to keep their finger on the pulse, monitor trends, and be a team player who can communicate effectively with designers and also Java developers. This will result in improvements that will quickly make user experience better. Changes in the interface can be seen at a glance and that can bring every JavaScript developer a lot of satisfaction. Especially if thousands of people use these solutions.

*Martin LeBlanc, designer, the founder of Iconfinder, a marketplace with icons and illustrations.


JavaScript (with CSS and HTML) is only the beginning. What else is it good to have in your resume?

  • React, AngularJS and Vue frameworks.
  • TypeScript as a JavaScript extension,
  • Git for version control,
  • Sass or Less for more complex stylesheets,
  • Babel – a transpiler to transform syntax,
  • knowledge of the HTTP protocol.

How can a JavaScript developer improve their skillset?

The real diamonds in the market are Full-Stack developers, who combine their knowledge of JavaScript with Java or .NET. These are versatile programmers who can develop the whole application on their own. However, it is much easier to find developers who have additionally mastered NodeJS, which is a runtime environment that extends JavaScript with backend technologies. It allows code that was previously confined to the browser to now run outside the browser, giving the application access to the file system, for example.

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