Hire a dedicated team for your IT project - Edge1s

Are you planning a large, complex IT project? Hiring a dedicated team may be the best solution.

In IT, there are many projects based on a fixed price or time and material model. However, when the quality of the solution and minimizing the risk are the most important, it is worth trying to cooperate with a dedicated team that is 100% committed and will focus on the challenges of the project. 

What should the first step look like when starting IT projects? Should it start with getting the team together or planning? NO! First, the best model of cooperation between all parties involved should be selected. You can use specialists working in the company and deliver the project internally or completely outsource development outside the organization or use intermediate models. One of the most interesting of them is the employment of a dedicated team.  

This model is based on cooperation with an external team, provided by a partner, who focuses only on a specific task. 


In what cases does a dedicated team work best?

The project does not have a clearly defined plan or requirements – delivering a solution in an agile methodology involves constantly adapting the solution and changing the path to achieve the goal. This fits with the nature of IT projects, as customer needs can change, and development teams can discover obstacles of which they were previously unaware. Such projects can be characterized by a high degree of risk, so investing in a team focused on requirements and adjusting the technology stack will help deliver the product.

The need to provide MVP – creating a minimally ready version of the solution for the first tests is often the best solution. It not only allows you to check the solution in practice but also collect feedback from end users. Its rapid delivery is possible in cooperation with a dedicated team, who can then enter comments in the next version of the solution. 

Lack of technical knowledge – IT projects are not trivial. They can be complex on many levels and require information that the company does not have internally. Cooperation with dedicated experts who have experience in providing extensive solutions can serve as a guide in creating a product. A glance at the technological stack in which the EDGE1S works is enough to confirm it. These are all leading frontend, backend, mobile, and cloud technologies. 

What does the client gain? 

  • The partner guarantees quality – extensive competence and experience in dealing with even the most demanding products are undoubtedly the greatest advantages of a dedicated team. 
  • Flexibility – the ability to scale the solution depending on the needs, e.g., when it comes to the number of specialists in the team. 
  • Transparency – the client has full control over the project, thanks to progress reporting and joint work planning. 
  • Quick project start – finding an IT expert is quite a challenge. On average, it takes 1.5 months. Add to this the time to leave the current job and onboarding. A dedicated team is an all-in-one solution, where the partner provides all the required specialists. 

dedicated team

What does the cost estimation of the project depend on? 

Each project is priced individually, but its cost is influenced by issues such as: 

  • Industry – the solution may be estimated differently depending on whether it applies to the financial, commercial, or industrial sectors. 
  • Type of solution – answers the question about the target platforms, such as desktop, web, or mobile, as well as the degree of interactivity or complexity. 
  • Time of cooperation – a dedicated team can be hired for POC (Proof of concept), but also for long-term cooperation. 

When analyzing costs, it is also worth considering that the company will not have to recruit specialists on its own. Outsourcing will minimize hiring costs and relieve the burden on back-office teams. 

Dedicated team – will it fit the needs of the project? 

IT projects can vary dramatically, so there is no miracle remedy that will optimally address the needs of each. Working with a dedicated team will work best when developing complex solutions that are accompanied by a high degree of uncertainty. These are usually strategic projects for the organization, so minimizing risk and completing the project successfully is key. Successful cooperation can be the beginning of a long-term relationship that will pay off for both parties. 

If you are looking for a team of developers with years of experience, contact us!

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