The recruitment process step by step - Edge1s

The recruitment process step by step

Justyna Pawliczak

HR Manager

The work of the Talent Acquisition team is particularly important in relation to the company’s development strategy. At Edge One Solutions we continuously enrich our portfolio with new clients from various sectors and new, innovative projects that we carry out for them. We feel the obligation that comes from the trust business partners give us, and that is why quality is so important in our activities. We are able to ensure it thanks to the competence and commitment of our specialists. Hence, it comes as no surprise that scooping out talents and inviting them to our team is of utmost importance for the development of the company.

What does the Talent Acquisition team?

The Talent Acquisition team focuses on the appropriate distribution of employees’ competencies in a long-term perspective, which constitutes a great challenge. In order to identify and employ the most talented people, we must ensure that the whole recruitment process is as professional as possible and at the same time candidate-friendly. The entire path the candidate goes through is based on dialogue which provides the candidate the candidate with the opportunity to get to know the culture of the organization and realize that there are real values underlying all the round words he or she hears. It is crucial for us to build the best quality Candidate Experience – the impression a candidate gets during and after the recruitment process.

Recruitment Stages at Edge One Solutions

We have divided the recruitment process in Edge1S into 4 stages. The duration of each of them depends mainly on the type of project and the availability and responsiveness of both the Candidate and the Client.

Step 1. Searching

The first stage is the process of acquiring candidates. Our TA team is extremely active. We don’t wait for the resume to drop into our mailbox on its own – all the more so because in our industry, especially among experienced specialists, it happens very rarely. We take the initiative and reach the people we are currently looking for through available channels, such as industry, business or social media portals.

‘We have a very efficient internal recommendation programme – nearly 30% of our candidates are employed thanks to the recommendations of our current employees.’ – says Klaudia Pieróg, Talent Acquisition Coordinator.

According to the data, we have collected, the recommendation program is the most effective way to reach and acquire employees. The fact that our employees are willing to use it is also a signal for us that they are satisfied with the cooperation with Edge1S and they recommend us as an employer.

Step 2. First contact – phone call

The next step is an initial telephone call, during which we ask about previous experience, key skills, motivation and expectations towards the employer and employment conditions. Such an interview is also a good time for the recruiter to learn something about candidates professional plans and ambitions, as well as the direction of professional development.

I also try my best to answer the candidate’s questions, clarify unclear issues and learn about their expectations. During such an interview I present the most important facts about the potential cooperation – we talk about the project, employment options, benefits and the next steps in the recruitment process.’ – says Klaudia.

We present the candidate with an offer best suited for them, present several project options to choose from. If the candidate is interested in the offer, we present his or her candidacy for the project.

Step 3. Technical knowledge verification

In the next step, the candidate undergoes technical verification with our programmer specialized in the given technology. This is to determine whether the candidate’s experience and skills match the requirements of the project and customer expectations. After the interview, the technical “recruiter” presents their opinion to the TAC running the project. If the candidate gets the TAC’s recommendation, the candidacy is further presented to the client. In some cases, if required by the client, an interview on the client’s part may be necessary.

Step 4. Proposal of cooperation

Once the process of technical and soft skills verification is successfully completed, the candidate is presented with a job offer which includes full information about the project, responsibilities, financial conditions and all benefits of joining the team. If the proposal and the terms and conditions are accepted by both parties – it is time to sign the contract. For this purpose, we can meet in one of our offices: in Warsaw, Lublin or Krakow.

Having the candidates’ health and comfort on our mind, we are ready to carry out the process 100% remotely.

The recruitment process, regardless of the industry, size of the company and its character, has ceased to be just an interview, where only one party asks and checks, while the other one provides answers. It has become an actual conversation about plans, experiences, and expectations. And as in any conversation – sometimes there is chemistry and sometimes there is not, sometimes we want to continue the conversation, other times the desire to continue does not appear. The most important thing, however, is that the conversations are a good experience and lead to a common understanding. After all, it’s all about a “perfect match”.

We encourage IT specialists to follow the recruitment processes we currently carry out. Many promising projects are in the making. See you in Edge1S.

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