IT Outsourcing - a number of opportunities - Edge1s

IT Outsourcing – a number of opportunities

Paulina Barańska

PR & Marketing Manager

The IT sector in Poland is developing very dynamically, and Polish programmers, especially Java Developers, are among the top and most sought-after specialists in the world. This attracts the attention of international entities, which increasingly utilize the services of Polish outsourcing companies and employees, engaging them in IT competence leasing or nearshoring. These companies continuously expand their portfolio of clients and projects, attracting new employees. We will examine IT outsourcing from both the client’s and the employee’s perspective.

What will you learn from the article?

  • Why it’s beneficial to collaborate with outsourcing companies?
  • What do IT companies offer?
  • The advantages of working in an IT outsourcing company from the perspective of an IT specialist.
  • Is working in an IT outsourcing company suitable for you?
  • What benefits can you expect?

it outsourcing developers

Outsourcing IT – How does it work?

Utilizing external resources within the IT outside-resource-using model brings numerous benefits. The two most commonly cited are cost reduction and quality improvement. Overall, outsourcing IT results in lower costs compared to building and maintaining an in-house team, including management and necessary infrastructure. Collaboration within this model can also entail an additional benefit for businesses, such as long-term partnerships and the resulting synergy effect, arising from the amalgamation of business knowledge and experience with technological competencies and skills. IT Outsourcing companies, as providers of IT services, ensure the highest quality, thereby delivering solutions at the highest level.

Looking at the cooperation with an IT outsourcing company from an employee’s perspective one cannot fail to notice its advantages. IT specialists – both programmers and administrators, project managers, analysts, QA or testers – by deciding to hire in companies providing IT services, together with good earnings, guarantee themselves a few other significant benefits.

What do IT companies offer?

An IT specialist in an outsourcing company acts as a consultant, and his services can be leased by a company from any industry whose business line provides for the development of the existing or implementation of a new IT solution. Being delegated to a project doesn’t mean that you have to be permanently involved in it. Completion of work for one client opens up the possibility of the project for another brand and work on another solution. Thus, opportunities for cooperation with companies from different industries, as well as for constant broadening of knowledge about the projects and the specificity of companies in different market segments appear. On the one hand – constant changes and development, on the other hand – guarantee of stable employment.

Faster development, higher salary

Companies offering IT services take care of their highest quality. That’ s why most of them provide their employees with access to the latest knowledge, organize trainings and technology workshops. By building the value of an employee, they strengthen the value of their own business and brand. This is a typical win-win situation. The development of an employee is also affected by customers and their projects.
Participation in various projects is an opportunity to work with different people, in different organizational structures and cultures, techniques and management styles. All this makes work in IT outsourcing even more valuable. Expanding knowledge, technical and soft skills is embedded in IT consultant’s daily life. This is required by the specifics of his work, technological progress and the increasing innovativeness of companies. The development is also demanded by IT specialists themselves to be the best and to be able to complete the most interesting projects. Specialists armed this way gain more and more value on the labor market, and knowledge and skills development is also beneficial for their own, original ideas.
Specialists and managers – “contractors” – earn about 30% more than those who hold the same positions on a full-time basis. Average net hourly rates, depending on the programming language and experience, reach even 250 PLN/h. However, the wage argument is not the only one that strongly speaks for this form of cooperation.

Flexible firms of employment

If we decide to work for an IT outsourcing company, we will probably be able to choose the legal form of employment, we will have no problem with flexible working hours or working in a remote model. Everything depends on individual arrangements with the employer. The knowledge of the most popular or unique technologies, experience, portfolio of realized projects or knowledge of foreign languages are essential in negotiations of employment terms.

For whom working in IT outsourcing?

Outsourcing work is not for everyone. It should be chosen by people who are open to change and result-oriented. It’ s work where the main measure of success is the satisfaction of the end customer. It is important to remember that both clients and projects can be different, have different technological advancement, different delivery times and different structure. The role of a consultant therefore requires initiative, commitment and flexibility. The readiness to cooperate, communication skills, willingness to know and understand the client’s business, management style and methods, and the ability to adapt to changing environment are also very important.

Despite several benefits from employment in an outsourcing company, some doubts are still arising on IT professionals’ side. The most common concerns relate to the type of projects, end customer’s attitude towards consultants, continuity of employment or non-wage benefits. Their occurrence is natural, regardless of the industry, position or type of work performed and concerns not only outsourcing. However, let’s try to dispel doubts related to IT outsourcing.

Read: The whole truth about being part of an outsourcing company.

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