How much does an hour of programming cost? - Edge1S

How much does an hour of programming cost?

In the IT industry, the price range for services varies significantly depending on the type of skills and experience of specialists. How much does an hour of programming cost? The answer to this question is not simple and depends on many factors such as specialization in a given framework, location, and form of employment. This article presents hourly rates for developers, taking into account the variety of positions and tasks.

zarobki programisty w Polsce

How much does an hour of programming work cost in 2024?

How much does a senior programmer’s hour of work cost?

The working hour of a Senior programmer is PLN 180. To achieve Senior status, a programmer usually has to work in the industry for about 5 years, constantly developing their skills (technical and soft). Specializing in popular and advanced technologies such as AI or big data systems can further increase the value of the hourly work due to the high demand and complex nature of the tasks.

How much does an hour of work of a Regular programmer cost?

The working hour of a Regular programmer is PLN 120. This rate is based on the developer’s skills and experience, which usually includes 2 to 5 years of work in the industry. Achieving such a position requires solid knowledge of the chosen programming language and framework, which often involves intensive training and practice. For programmers at this level, there are good prospects for development and promotion to higher positions, such as Senior Programmer or Team Leader.

How much does an hour of work for a Junior programmer cost?

The working hour of a Junior programmer is PLN 80. This rate reflects the initial level of knowledge and skills, which usually includes basic knowledge of selected technologies and programming languages. Programmers at this level have many opportunities for further development, both by exploring more advanced technological aspects and by moving to higher positions.

How much does an hour of programming work cost depending on location?

How much does an hour of programming work cost in Warsaw?

A programmer’s working hour in Warsaw ranges from PLN 70 to PLN 200. The amount of earnings results from the dynamically developing technology sector in the capital, the high demand for specialists and the competitiveness of the labor market. Warsaw offers programmers numerous development opportunities, including access to specialized training and the opportunity to work on international projects.

How much does an hour of programming work cost in Krakow?

A programmer’s working hour in Krakow ranges from PLN 60 to PLN 170. These earnings reflect the growing presence of tech startups and research and development centers that are attracting talent and innovation to the city. Krakow, as one of Poland’s main academic and cultural centers, offers programmers a number of career opportunities.

How much does an hour of programming work cost in Wrocław?

A programmer’s working hour in Wrocław ranges from PLN 50 to PLN 150. The level of earnings in this city is influenced by the rapid development of the IT sector and the presence of global technology companies that invest in local human resources. Wrocław, as an important academic and business center, provides programmers with rich professional development opportunities.

How much does an hour of programming work cost in Poznań?

A programmer’s working hour in Poznań ranges from PLN 46 to PLN 133. The amount of earnings reflects the city’s developing technological infrastructure and the presence of numerous technology parks that support innovation and entrepreneurship. Poznań also offers programmers wide development opportunities through cooperation with dynamically developing companies from the IT sector.

How much does an hour of programming work cost in Gdańsk?

A programmer’s working hour in Gdańsk ranges from PLN 46 to PLN 143. These rates are the result of the dynamic development of the local technology industry, supported by the Tricity IT cluster, which brings together innovative companies and startups. Gdańsk, being an important business and academic center, offers programmers various development opportunities.

How much does an IT technician hour cost depending on the position?

How much does an hour of programming cost?

A programmer’s working hour ranges from PLN 50 to PLN 180. These rates result from the diversity of the market, level of advancement, technological specialization and programmer experience. Obtaining higher rates is possible after gaining skills in more in-demand technologies and frameworks.

How much does an hour as a software tester cost?

The working hour of a software tester ranges from PLN 40 to PLN 150. The rate depends on the level of experience, specialization in testing various types of software and knowledge of testing tools such as Selenium or JIRA. Higher earnings are possible by gaining skills in advanced testing techniques such as test automation and security testing.

How much does an hour of business analyst cost?

A business analyst‘s working hour ranges from PLN 70 to PLN 220. The rate level results from the difference in data analysis skills, knowledge of tools such as Excel, SQL or specialized business analysis software, and experience in the industry. To achieve higher rates, analysts must develop advanced skills in statistical analysis, predictive modeling and understanding the specifics of the sectors in which they work.

How much does an hour as a database administrator cost?

The working hour of a database administrator ranges from PLN 70 to PLN 220. Rates depend on technical advancement, experience in managing various database systems, such as Oracle, SQL Server or MySQL, and the ability to ensure data security and optimization. To achieve higher rates, administrators must invest in ongoing training and certification.

How much does an IT project manager cost per hour?

The working hour of an IT project manager ranges from PLN 100 to PLN 300. The rates result from project management skills, knowledge of methodologies such as Agile or Scrum, as well as experience in coordinating teams and managing complex IT projects. Achieving higher earnings requires not only several years of experience in managing projects, but also continuous improvement of leadership and negotiator skills.

How much does an hour of a Front-End developer cost?

How much does a React developer hour cost?

An hour’s work for a React programmer ranges from PLN 70 to PLN 120. This diversity in earnings results from the level of experience and advanced skills in using this popular framework. To achieve higher salary ranges, a programmer must not only master React, but also develop skills related to additional technologies such as Redux or Node.js.

How much does an Angular developer hour cost?

An Angular programmer’s working hour ranges from PLN 70 to PLN 160. The difference in rates depends on the level of knowledge of the framework and experience in working with supporting technologies such as TypeScript or RxJS. To achieve higher earnings, a programmer must devote several years to learning and practical use of Angular in various projects. Moving from basic knowledge to expert requires not only acquiring technical skills, but also the ability to solve complex problems and optimize code.

How much does an hour of a UX/UI developer cost?

The working hour of a UX/UI programmer ranges from PLN 60 to PLN 110. These rates depend on the ability to combine technical knowledge with aesthetic knowledge, and the ability to create intuitive and engaging interfaces. Reaching a higher salary level usually requires 2 to 5 years of experience, including time to learn design tools such as Sketch or Figma and understand user needs and usability testing.

How much does a VUE developer hour cost?

The working hour of a VUE programmer ranges from PLN 70 to PLN 150. This amount depends on technical advancement and experience in using the Vue.js framework, which is becoming increasingly popular due to its flexibility and ease of integration with other technologies. Achieving higher rates typically requires 2 to 4 years of intensive practice, gaining skills in both basic and advanced features of the framework, as well as experience in commercial projects.

How much does an hour of a Back-End developer cost?

How much does an hour of a JAVA developer cost?

The working hour of a JAVA programmer ranges from PLN 80 to PLN 220. This value results from the level of skills, specialization and complexity of projects using JAVA. To achieve higher rates, a programmer must gain extensive knowledge and experience, often lasting from 3 to 5 years, including advanced technologies such as Spring or Hibernate.

How much does an hour of a .NET developer cost?

The working hour of a .NET programmer ranges from PLN 106 to PLN 217. These rates reflect the level of advancement and specialization in .NET technology, which is widely used in creating enterprise and web applications. To achieve a higher salary, a developer must invest 3 to 5 years in developing skills and gaining experience in various aspects of .NET such as ASP.NET, Entity Framework, and C# programming.

How much does a Python developer hour cost?

The working hour of a Python programmer ranges from PLN 60 to PLN 170. These earnings depend on Python skills and specialization in popular frameworks like Django or Flask. To achieve higher rates, 2 to 4 years of experience is typically required, which includes working on complex projects and a thorough understanding of both the language and its libraries. Specialization in areas such as data analysis or web application development can additionally increase potential earnings.

How much does a Node.js developer hour cost?

The working hour of a Node.js programmer is PLN 80 to PLN 160. This value results from technical advancement and experience in implementing server applications in Node.js, which are crucial for many modern web applications. To achieve higher rates, developers must spend 2 to 5 years of study and practice, gaining skills in asynchronous programming, managing dependencies, and optimizing application performance.

How much does a Rust developer cost per hour?

The working hour of a Rust programmer ranges from PLN 160 to PLN 172. These rates are due to the high specialization and growing demand for this programming language, known for its exceptional performance and security. To achieve this level of earnings, developers typically need to spend 3 to 4 years learning and putting Rust into practice, including understanding complex concepts of memory management and system security.

How much does an hour of a C/C++ programmer cost?

The working hour of a C/C++ programmer ranges from PLN 70 to PLN 200. These rates are based on the technical requirements and level of sophistication needed in these languages, which are crucial in the development of system software, performance applications and games. To achieve higher earnings, a programmer must gain 3 to 5 years of experience focusing on understanding advanced programming techniques, optimizing code, and working with low-level system operations.

How much does an hour of a PHP developer cost?

The working hour of a PHP programmer ranges from PLN 95 to PLN 270. The diversity of these rates results from the level of skills, experience and specialization in popular frameworks such as Laravel or Symfony. To achieve higher rates, a developer must invest 3 to 5 years in developing their technical knowledge, design skills and ability to manage complex systems. Specializing in e-commerce solutions or system integration can further increase the value of your hourly work.

How much does a programmer cost depending on the contract?

How much does an hour of programming cost for B2B?

An hour of a B2B programmer costs approximately PLN 500. B2B work means flexibility in time management and potentially higher earnings than in traditional employment under an employment contract. However, the disadvantage is the lack of a guarantee of permanent employment, as well as the need to manage health and pension insurance on your own, which may be a challenge for people who prefer a greater sense of security.

How much does a programmer’s hour cost under an employment contract?

An hour of a programmer under an employment contract costs approximately PLN 230. Working under such a contract provides greater job security, regular remuneration and access to a full package of social benefits, including holidays, health and pension insurance. Another advantage is the possibility of using training programs financed by the employer. The disadvantages may be less flexibility of working hours and lower net earnings compared to B2B.


The variety of rates per hour for a programmer’s work reflects the complexity and dynamics of the IT industry. Regardless of whether it is the design and implementation of a website, configuration of a VPN network, or management of IT infrastructure, hourly rates depend on the level of specialization, experience and current market demand.

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